
How You Should Behave if You Want to Have Fun

How You Should Behave if You Want to Have Fun

escort etiquette

Who doesn’t fantasize over a little female companionship every now and then?

Need a dinner date? Travel companion? A plus one for a friend’s wedding?

These are all reasons men engage in escort services. The majority of these men hire dates because they are seeking a social connection or looking for a new sexual experience.

Either way, before the big date, you better get your behavior in check. One wrong move and you can kill the mood, and ruin the whole evening.

Here’s everything you need to know about proper escort etiquette.

Show a Little R-E-S-P-E-C-T

It’s the age-old rule, treat others as you want to be treated. Escorts are professionals who are providing a service, so they should get treated as such.

An escort is a companion, someone to spend time with. If this is your first time, it’s normal to be a little nervous. But when interacting with your escort try to be courteous, calm and collected.

Hiring an escort does not equal automatic sex. You may have a connection that leads to getting intimate, but don’t expect this right off the bat.

Steer clear of any language that insinuates selling sex for a living. Escorts are not prostitutes.

Respect is the number one rule for how to treat an escort. When respect is first earned, it’s going to make the whole experience much more enjoyable.

Be Honest and Upfront

When booking an escort, be sure to communicate your wants and needs upfront. This will ensure you get paired with the right person and avoid any miscommunication.

Are you looking for a long-term companionship or a play date for one night? The more details you include, the better chances you’ll have of finding the right fit.

Take this opportunity to share your interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes. If there’s a certain body type, hair color, or personality that tickles your fancy, request it. To ensure a smooth booking process, have an event day and time in mind.

When first meeting your escort, the same rules apply. Women find kindness and honesty to be a man’s most attractive traits. So be yourself, leave any lying and bragging-rights behind.

Rejection is real and applies to a hired date, same as it would to someone you met at a bar or online.

You Get What You Pay for

Remember you are paying for a service, and you can find rates posted on the escort website. Prices will fluctuate depending on the escort’s experience level and how in demand she is. Rates are pretty much set in stone, so don’t think about asking for a discount.

If you go out to eat at a high-end steak restaurant, it’s going to cost you. Or you can head to a dive bar for a cheaper meal. Before making a commitment, consider the pros and cons of a professional vs. amateur escort.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but expect the most beautiful women in the world to be in high demand. If you’re expecting Beyonce to walk through the door, then you need to show that money, honey.

Don’t Forget the Madame

Enlisting a luxury escort service may involve a madame. Consider her the monkey in the middle who protects her girls as much as her client roster.

Madames make all the difference in an escort “experience” compared to a standard date. They can book travel, reserve suites at resorts, and get VIP access for their clients.

The very best madames dabble in finding the perfect date for rich and famous men. But it doesn’t always stop at dating.

Some madames consider themselves millionaire matchmakers. They pride themselves on finding perfect life-long partners for their clients.

Be warned that high-end call girls aren’t for the average Joe. Their services can cost over $10,000 for a weekend of fun.

The Right Way to Pay for Escort Services

With an escort service, expect to pay upfront. It’s best to leave your payment in plain view when the escort arrives. An envelope is a classy touch and payment should be in cash unless specified otherwise.

Whatever you do, don’t make your escort ask for payment. You also shouldn’t mention money or fees exchanging hands. This should all get discussed and agreed upon before meeting with the escort.

If her rates are not listed online, inquire during the booking process. Keep it simple, asking her what you can offer in exchange for her services.

After your date has ended, leave a gratuity for your escort. It’s a nice gesture to thank them for their services. Tipping your escort shows you enjoyed her time and may help you become a preferred client.

Don’t Be Shady

There are do’s and don’ts on how to treat an escort. Most importantly, you want to establish trust and make them feel as comfortable as possible.

If this is your first time with your escort, she may want to check your ID. This is for security purposes, she isn’t trying to share your secret with anyone else.

She may also want a tour of your home, apartment, or hotel room. Again, this is so she feels safe in a new environment. She might ask to lock your doors, she doesn’t want any surprise visitors or interruptions.

Avoid asking personal questions, unless the escort offers up this information herself. She wants to keep her private life private, so don’t pry. If you become a repeat client, she may get comfortable enough to share personal details.

The whole idea is to make your escort feel comfortable with you. As a rule of thumb, think about how to approach a girl in the club. Be a charmer, not a creep.

Let’s Talk About Alcohol…

You may be nervous, so it’s ok to numb your nerves with a drink.

Don’t. Get. Drunk.

It’s the quickest way to end your date and you won’t get reimbursed for wasting her time.

Be a gentleman and offer your escort a drink. For safety reasons, let the escort see you open the bottle of wine or can of beer.

Set the Right Mood

Like any other date, you want to make a good first impression.

This includes meeting in a comfortable location. Hotels are most popular and give you the option to first meet for a drink at a hotel bar. Or you can make dinner reservations nearby.

Show the escort that you care about her experience. It will set the mood for the entire night and set you apart from other less creative clients.

Wine and dine her. Light candles. Keep conversation casual. Enhance the ambiance by playing some romantic Ed Sheeran songs.

This should be a no-brainer, but nothing kills the mood quicker than bad hygiene. Come prepared with gum, mints, and contraceptives (just in case). Show up well-groomed, including manscaping (if you need to).

Throughout the date, be confident and pay her compliments. Or make her laugh, 77% of women find humor to be attractive.

Women love gifts. Get her flowers, chocolates, or tasteful lingerie. If you want to become an escort’s favorite client, get her a luxury handbag.

A Few Things NOT to Do

Here’s what not to do when dating an escort:

  • Don’t use any vulgar or perverted language.
  • Are you reeling from a breakup? Some men that engage with escorts do so to get back in the game. If this is you, don’t bring breakup baggage on your date.
  • Don’t compare your escort to other women.
  • Don’t compare your escort to strippers or prostitutes.
  • Don’t ask about other men, past clients, boyfriends, etc.
  • Don’t assume anything goes. Clarify any peculiar preferences before booking your escort. Some escorts may be against your fetishes, while others charge extra for them.
  • If you’re prone to nervous sweats, don’t forget deodorant.
  • Don’t invite friends. Don’t try to surprise your escort by letting people joining the party.
  • Don’t videotape or take photos without the approval of your escort.

It’s important to also protect yourself, which means doing your research. Escort services are confidential with client information. But they should be able to provide details on business experience, etc.

Select a service that has been in business at least a couple of years. The service should have a classy website with clear company policies. Expect professional escort services to screen you first before booking any appointments.

Nervous Are You?

It’s normal to get nervous, especially if this is your first time with an escort. If you suddenly find yourself not able to perform, take a time out and try again later.

There are many reasons men get erectile dysfunction. And she’s most likely seen them all.

Say you follow the proper escort etiquette on your first date, and plan to seal the deal when you see her again. To get ready for the main event, engage in some LOveSita foreplay, or spend some quality time with the most liked porn stars on Instagram.

Escort Etiquette, like a Gentleman

So now you know what women want. You’ve impressed and undressed and treated them like a true gentleman.

The beauty of engaging with an escort is that practice makes perfect. The more you do it, the more confident you’ll get with women.

Escort etiquette also translates into other forms of dating. Try your hand at Tinder, or these other online dating sites. Just remember to practice proper etiquette, like a gentleman.

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