Sex and Teck

10 Tips to Craft the Perfect Wedding Proposal

10 Tips to Craft the Perfect Wedding Proposal

Have you found that special someone and you’re ready to tie the knot? It all starts with the wedding proposal and you want to make sure you do it right. 

The wedding proposal between you and your significant other is going to be a day that you will both always remember. You will want it to be romantic and personalized to them. 

Make sure you take some time to plan out the wedding proposal. Ask any friends and family members to help if you need it but make sure they don’t spill the beans! 

Keep reading for ten tips on how to craft the perfect wedding proposal. 

1. Make Sure You’re Both Ready

The first step before you start to think about how you’re going to propose to your special someone is to make sure you’re both ready. This means sitting down and having a discussion about your future. You want to make sure that you both have marriage in mind before you start planning the perfect proposal.

You can still be on the same page about your future without ruining the surprise of a wedding proposal. If you and your partner both know that you’re ready to get married, then you won’t have to worry about them saying no. 

2. Speak With Their Parents or Loved Ones

Back in the day, the man in the relationship had to ask the permission of the bride’s father if they could get married. While that is now considered to be a very old school tradition it would still be wise to speak with your significant other’s family and your own family about your plans to propose. 

The parents will be very grateful that you’ve talked to them about your plans. In this day and age, you don’t necessarily have to ask but just let him know that you plan to propose. 

3. Timing is Everything

When you’re planning when and how to propose you need to make sure that it is a good time for both of you. Asking someone to marry you is a huge turning point in both of your lives. 

Good timing means that you don’t pop the question when your significant other is super stressed. It could be that they have a big project at work or a huge test they’re taking that is causing them some stress. Make sure to wait until after any other big factors that might be going on in both of your lives. 

4. Choose the Perfect Ring

When it comes to deciding on what ring to give your significant other when you ask them that big question you want it to be one that they’re going to love. The wedding ring is something that they’re going to wear every single day for years to come. 

If you plan to keep the proposal a secret, then try to learn what type of jewelry your significant other likes. You may even think of enlisting their best friend or sibling to help you decide on a ring. You can design your own ring from scratch and make the perfect ring for the person you love. 

5. Get Personal

Take some time to think about the experiences and memories that you’ve had with your significant other. If there was a certain place that stands out for the two of you, then you may consider bringing them there to propose. 

Also, you will need to think about how your significant other reacts to being the center of attention. If they don’t mind, then you may consider doing it somewhere in public and having all of your friends and family there. But if they are more on the shy side, then try to pick a place that is more intimate for the two of you. 

6. Plan What You Want to Say

Sometimes the hardest part of the proposal is knowing what to say. You know how you feel about your significant other so just say it. 

A good way to get over being nervous is to plan out what you want to say. Jot down some notes on how you truly feel and practice saying them. You want your proposal to feel natural and not like a public speaking assignment so try not to rely too heavily on notes. 

7. Celebrate

Besides planning the proposal a good thought is to plan a celebration for afterward. This isn’t necessarily an entire engagement party but rather just a celebration for the two of you. 

You can book a reservation at your favorite restaurant to celebrate. If your proposal was more intimate, then you may even consider inviting your close family to a dinner where you can all celebrate. 

8. Go With The Flow

As we mentioned before make sure that you pick a good time to propose for you and your significant other. If the day comes and things aren’t seeming to go your way, then put it off for a bit. 

You want this to be a day that you and your significant other will remember forever. Make sure you go with the flow for your proposal. If the time comes before you had originally planned, then go for it. 

9. Keep the Ring Safe

After you purchase the wedding ring your number one goal should be to keep it safe and secure especially if it is going to be a surprise. Some people hide the wedding ring so good that they can’t even find it when they need it! If your proposal is going to be a surprise, then make sure to hide it somewhere that your significant other won’t be looking.

When it is time to propose make sure that you keep the ring somewhere safe such as a zipped pocket. Nothing would be worse than going to propose and finding out that the ring fell out of your pocket. 

10. Keep It Simple

Overall, the best way to propose to your special someone is to keep it simple and make sure it is something that they will enjoy. After all, the more complicated the proposal is, then the more things that could possibly go wrong. 

The Perfect Wedding Proposal

When planning the perfect wedding proposal you are the number one person who knows exactly what your significant other wants. Make sure to take the time to speak to them beforehand about the proposal so you’re both on the same page. 

If you want to learn about other lifestyle or wedding advice, then make sure to check out our blog to fill your curiosity. 

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